The mission of the Massachusetts Association of Practicing Urologists (MAPU) is to optimize all aspects of urology and urologic care for both patients and practitioners.  Our primary goal as an organization is to offer all patients the most advanced, cutting edge and unbiased appropriate care.  We will do this by representing the interests of all our members (private practice, employed and academic) on both the local and national level.  The main focus of MAPU will be to provide education on pertinent urologic advances, legal issues and financial and regulatory issues.  At the same time, it will advocate on behalf of all urology care providers.  Finally, MAPU will provide a forum for social and professional interaction to promote collegiality and networking within the specialty and will also serve as a facilitator between providers and our industry partners.


The Massachusetts Association of Practicing Urologists (MAPU) was formed in May of 1986 because of an urgent need for an organization which could respond to the socio-political and professional practice needs of Massachusetts urologists. The history of our state urology association has been one of individual initiative, vision, and hard work.

The new year of 1986 brought with it dramatic and frightening changes in medical practice. Newly emerging HMO's and PPO's were clamoring for attention and attempting to attract primary care physicians with promises of attractive fees, more patients, and control over the services of specialized physicians. Those in the subspecialties became increasingly concerned and felt isolated from their colleagues. MAPU was formed to provide the professional and political support that only an organization can offer.

MAPU has become a model for several other state urological societies and we have shared our bylaws and given our advice. We are recognized nationally by the AUA and AACU as a prototype state urologic society aimed at improving the professional practice climate for urologists and at engaging in constructive dialogue to educate government and private health insurers about quality issues in urologic practice. MAPU has active membership in a variety of state and national committees (i.e., Carrier Advisory Committee, Massachusetts Medical Society Specialty Committee).

Wild Apricot development by Webbright